Daddy always claimed we had a relative named Montezuma Ragan who was part Indian. The Indian part is doubtful (though according to Bill Patterson, there were Indians mingled with the Shelnutts). However, Montezuma Ragan was real and my great, great grandmother.
If you would like to meet her……………..
“On November 14, 1888, the day I was twenty-five, Zuma Alice Ragan and myself were married at her home, at Jersey Ga. by J. A. 0. Radford, a Methodist preacher – a very good man and his family throughout. She was the only daughter of V.B. and Mrs. M. A. Brown Ragan, of good families and that put her in line of good blood. She was nineteen January, 1889. She has one brother, A. H, a good old honest church-going farmer, a big title to hang to any man’s name.
She had common school advantages, but used them well. She was well trained-had exceedingly good manners and strictly obedient to parents. Small in size and neat in figure—clean, neat in her dressing, fresh looking and pretty as a pink. Had one of the prettiest necks I ever saw. It was well made and fit her head and shoulders perfectly. She was a good, neat house-keeper, and a number one in the kitchen. She had a mechanical and an artistical mind – she was trained to do things and knew how – and did things: hard to discourage with any difficult task. Loved flowers, enjoyed labor, and like to watch the birds, butterflies, and smiling flowers – ate no idle bread. Her little hands were busy hands. She was a heavenly treasure in an earthly vessel. A good mother and watched carefully all interest of her children. She had two girls, and then two boys. The first boy died at the age of 11 months, named Marvin Lamar-a bright, beautiful, blue-eyed boy. The next boy was a bright blue-eyed baby, named J. B., Jr., now thirty-five years of age–married and has three children. Bertha Adel is the oldest daughter, has black eyes -now Mrs. J. B. Hammond-no children. Myrtie Estelle has black eyes-now Mrs. R. I. Rooks, one daughter.
Mother loved her church and was faithful to its teaching. Died May 19, 1932. John H. Wood, W. B. McDonald and T. Z. B. Eventon in charge of the funeral service. E. L. Almond undertaker.
God cares for her, up yonder.
God cares for us, down here.
We live, in different lands,
But live, in the same hands.
Page 26-28, Christian Living, J.B. Shelnutt, Sr., 1935