Underground Railroad??

I was sorting some old family letters and came across this one. It was rather cryptic but what immediately came to mind was a reference to the Underground Railroad. Unless someone else has another idea as to what Expedite the “African” means?

The Sarah, to whom the letter is addressed, is probably Sarah Derrickson Harvey (b. 1836) who married David Penny Derrickson(b. 1812) in 1856. As to who the signer is, I have no idea. I think the name is Will.

Wilmington was a major stop on the Underground Railroad with the Quaker, Thomas Garrett, who lived on 4th and Shipley one of the best known Conductors. The Friends Meeting House was a stop on the way to Philadelphia. And Harriet Tubman was very active with Garrett.

Anyone have any ideas about this letter or how to research my theory?

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